Sunday, March 29, 2009

2 weeks and 6 days - by Jo

Time has flown! I'm going to be a married women very soon. Can hardly wait!!!

Things are falling into place - just some last minute meetings to finalize details, numbers etc. God has been amazing in helping us with the details - I spent way too much worrying about stuff instead of just letting go and trusting God, who has the best ideas of all, to share his ideas with us :o)

Clive was in the Berg this weekend with his mates - sounds like the fresh air and wide open spaces did them the world of good. My man came back with pink cheeks and a happy face - except that he's still fighting a head cold and producing bucket loads of snot ... gotta love him though. He is just amzaing and I'll take him in sickness and in health :o)

Next weekend the guys from Glenridge are off to the Men's Camp at Hilton College. Sounds like they are going to have a blast. Clive is rooming with Patrick Kenny so I don't know how much sleep they'll get - when Pat and Clive get talking about the deep things of life, there's no stopping them. I'm looking forward to a "quiet" weekend in Durban - will probably hang out with the girls and have some fun. I need fun - the past 3 months have just been about planning and admin and trawling Gateway Theatre of Shopping for wedding bands, gift registries, bridesmaid's dresses and loads of other things.

Clive and I headed watched the movie "Marley and Me" today. We thought it'd be a fun romcom but we both ended up bawling and quite unashamedly at that. It's still Hollywood but the movie was very real - and abit sad too. I highly recommend people to see it - it's not Slumdog Millionaire and it probably won't win any Oscars but it's a wonderful story.

Take your tissues though ... and plan to have a cuppa afterwards - to think abit, chat abit and appreciate the amazing memories in your life. Some happy, some sad, some painful, some exhilerating.

But they all make up the tapestry of who you are today.

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